
An international network

A strong company needs strong partners.
Our cooperation with partner companies gives our customers the benefit of an efficient international network.

A small extract of our partner list…

G mitsubishi-logo_0
Gesellschaft für Industrievertretung Mitsubishi Internetional GmbH
 und Management Service  
allod raylase
Allod Werkstoff GmbH & Co. KG Raylase AG
lamolinera iq-evolution
La Molinera – Messen und Events IQ Evolution GmbH
cfk efre
C.F.K. CNC-Fertigungstechnik Kriftel GmbH This project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
 leister  mbs
 Leister Technologies GmbH  MBS Ingenieurbüro Streifling
 Linde AG