
Certification according to DIN ISO 9001:2008stieler-logo_2-fg_2-mini

tuv_logo   Together with our customers we believe in an active quality management. This is why we have introduced a QM system for our company in 2002.

„Ökoprofit Goslar” award stieler-logo_2-fg-mini

oekoprofit_logo_2 ÖKOPROFIT (Ökologisches Projekt Für Integrierte Umwelt-Technik – ecological project for an integrated environmental technology) stands for a project in which local authorities cooperate with the local economies. Aim of this cooperation is to simultaneously reduce operation costs and save natural resources such as water and energy.

1st place of the Volksbank Innovation Award   

pokal_volksbank-innovationspreis_80-x-60   The Volksbank Innovation Award, initiated by the Volksbanken and Raiffeisenbanken (cooperative banking group), aims at making public the sustainability of medium-sized companies. At the same time, the award marks those companies that are particularly imaginative and successful.
Press release Goslarsche Zeitung I
Press release Goslarsche Zeitung II
Press release goslarsche.de I
Press release goslarsche.de II