
On the following events, we will be pleased to share our knowledge in
interesting lectures:

>>> Technical lectures 2011            >>> Technical lectures 2010           

>>> Technical lectures 2009           >>> Technical lectures 2008


Technical lectures 2012


6. Kunststoff-Dia(hr)log – “Die Zukunft gestalten”
(6th Kunststoff-Dia(hr)log – “Creating the future”)
Tuesday, May 08, 2012 | 17:00 PM – 17:45 PM
Topic: Evolution im Leichtbau (Evolution in lightweight design)
Speaker: Ulrich Stieler of Stieler Kunststoff Service GmbH
Location: Akro-Plastic GmbH, Im Stiefelfeld 1, 56651 Niederzissen, Germany
The lecture is given in German
>>> go to event


TPE converting with hot runner
Thursday, June 21, 2012 | 13:30 PM – 14:15 PM
Topic: GaNaSys® (GaNaSys)®
Speaker: Ulrich Stieler of Stieler Kunststoff Service GmbH
Location: Hotel Glocke, Am Plönlein 1, 91541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany
The lecture is given in German
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16th Engelskirchener plastics technology days
Friday, June 22, 2012 | 16:00 PM – 16:30 PM
Topic: Physikalisches Schäumen mit dem Stieler SmartFoam® System
(Physical foaming with the Stieler SmartFoam® system)
Speaker: Ulrich Stieler of Stieler Kunststoff Service GmbH
Location: Lang Academy, Schlosserstrasse 8, 51789 Lindlar, Germany
The lecture is given in German
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3rd material seminar
“Spritzgießwerkzeugtechnologien – alles reine Glückssache?”
(”Injection molding tool technologies – pure luck?”)
Friday, July 13, 2012 | 14:40 PM – 15:10 PM
Topic: Innovative Werkzeugtemperiertechnology (Innovative mold tempering technology)
Speaker: Ulrich Stieler of Stieler Kunststoff Service GmbH
Location: Hotel Glocke, Am Plönlein 1, 91541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany
The lecture is given in German
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Seminar thermoplastic foam injection molding – “Foaming thermoplastical molding compounds” 
Thursday, September 09, 2012 | 13:30 PM – 14:00 PM
Topic: Energie- und Rohstoffeffizienz – Das Stieler SmartFoam® Verfahren
(Energy- and raw material efficiency – The Stieler SmartFoam® technique)
Speaker: Ulrich Stieler of Stieler Kunststoff Service GmbH
Location: Kunststoff-Institut Lüdenscheid, Karolinenstrasse 8, 58507 Lüdenscheid, Germany
The lecture is given in German
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